He was introduced to the technique study of Jaiji Chen style by the Great Master Chen Fa Ke, and became direct disciple in the teachings from 1930 to 1944.
He then moved to the city of Jinan where he constantly continued the practice and development of Master Chen's teachings above all the work he had to do because of the economical situation. He particularly concentrated his attention on applying the Taiji techniques in order to gain a perfect and inseparable parallelism with the empty space movements of the form.
In 1956 he returned to Pechino in order to gain Master Chen Fa Ke's approval of his studys, who judged impeccable both the variations of the form and thoughts about the nature and mechanic of movement.
Once he returned to Jinan, Master Hong continued to teach and continue the task assigned him by his Master to develop the research and deep study of the style. He experimented a lot with his disciples and friends often confronting with other artists of martial arts. He often repeated that in taiji quan every movement contains innumerous significances and each one corresponds to a precise level of practice.
In the following years his understanding of Taiji became deeper and the numbers of students constantly grew which is still considered today to be the principle resource by which Master Chen Fa Ke's authentic teachings have arrived to us. He was the only one whostudied with Master Chen for fifteen long years and their relationship was of a intimate friendship; to demonstrated this there are many little storys attributed to Master Chen Fa Ke but where really of Master Hong.
A man of great culture, as a teacher he focalized on showing his disciples the profound nature of Taiji quan using both scientific methods and examples of everyday life so as the principles of style were truly understood. He not only became famous in China but also in many other countries but this did not fail to allow him to share his knowledge with the public; his book “Practical Chen styleTaijiquan”, translated by an ex student of M° Liu Cheng De, is to be considered a monumental piece of art and indispensable for whom wishes to start a complete study of this style.